All digital platforms come with their share of metrics and data. Measuring performance and completed actions becomes a major issue on social media: from the number of fans, number of visits, clicks, interactions and number of views on a video, there are many indicators to evaluate your actions.

But the only question that matters is: what are the indicators that make sense for your organization?

If your challenges are to identify relevant indicators, set up monitoring dashboards and optimize your actions, we offer you different solutions to meet them.



Marketing reporting

We evaluate the performance of your social media campaigns through a campaign report including analysis of the web impact (earned) and actions on your different platforms (owned) in order to identify their scope, opinions expressed, etc. The lessons that are learned are being used to optimize future campaigns.

Dashboard Paid / Owned / Earned

We help you navigate the available indicators by implementing a dashboard to track recurring indicators that make sense for your organization. We cross-reference paid, owned and earned data to get a global view. We have a tracking dashboard to help decision-making and optimizes the actions.

ROI Social Media

Support you in the implementation of a performance measurement strategy with customized approaches to meet your challenges: conversation funnel, online media valuation or ad hoc reports.


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